HeARThealth Technologies announces the launch of ONEcardio. The CDSCO Registration number is: HEARTH-Benga-KA/M/IVD/007387

OneCardio©AI-driven Cardiac Imaging Analyses platform

There is a Global Cardiovascular Disease Epidemic. Ischemic Heart Disease is the leading cause for early death as per the Global Burden of Disease, 2017. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) worldwide has increased since 2007 , is another finding in this report.

Multimodality Imaging is important for the diagnosis, the prognostic assessment and for guiding therapy. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of all the issues related to multiple cardiovascular diseases.

Increased used of diagnostic imaging has increased the pressure on Cardiac Imagers and Cardiovascular Radiology workflows. There is also shortage of Cardiac Imagers to visually read and interpret the patient studies.

The OneCardio© AI-driven Cardiac Imaging Analyses platform provides the essential tools for segmentation, quantification and radiomics to Cardiac Imagers and prescribing Clinicians to drive workflow improvements for improving productivity, treatment and patient outcomes.

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The OneCardio© Al-driven Cardiac Imaging Analyses platform with multimodality support and implementing relevant Imaging biomarkers & Quantitative Imaging techniques provides the tools for Cardiac Imagers and Cardiologist to deliver:

  • Quicker diagnoses
  • Faster clinical workflows
  • Consistent, better diagnoses
  • improved patient outcomes
  • Improvement in patient experience

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UNET Architecture Based Myocardium Segmentation Of Cardiac MRI

BAKAL VINITA AND ARBIND KUMAR GUPTA  |  International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2

ADMIN 26 November 2019

In this paper we present deep learning methods to automate myocardial segmentation in MRI images. There are some enhancements done to existing systems in this work.

Template Based Segmentation For Automatic Detection Of Carotid Artery In Ultrasound Images

PRIYANKA PARASHETTI, DR ARBIND KUMAR GUPTA  |  International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR); IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2

ADMIN 26 November 2019

The analysis of carotid artery wall is an important part in the diagnosis of cardiovascular pathologies. Many of the morphological properties of common carotid artery like its lumen diameter, dimensions

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November 14-16, 2019

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Papers & Publications

Trends in Radiology and Experimental Research

European Radiology Experimental, the new journal launched by the European Society of Radiology, is placed in the context of three general and seven radiology-specific trends.

Clinical applications of machine learning in cardiovascular disease and its relevance to cardiac imaging

Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed key aspects of human life. Machine learning (ML)

Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis

The tremendous success of machine learning algorithms at image recognition tasks in recent years intersects with a time of dramatically increased

